The new CleanMy® PC: smoother, better, faster, stronger

Another celebration here at MacPaw HQ: our one of a kind Windows cleaner is getting a huge makeover. We’ve just released a completely renewed version of CleanMy® PC and it’s not just more powerful than it used to be, but it’s also really handsome. Here’s what’s new in the new CleanMy® PC:

Naturally, it cleans more

We discovered another dumpster closet on your PC, literally. The so-called ‘memory dumps’ contain old memory files and can grow as big as 8 GB each. With the new cleaning tool in CleanMy® PC you can click all that garbage away.

We’re taking care of your privacy in Edge

If you’re one of the dedicated Edge browser users, rejoice. CleanMy® PC is now clearing history, cookies, and downloads in Microsoft Edge as well. Keeping your private data private just got easier.

A whole new look

With its clean, polished design, CleanMy® PC is a perfect fit for the new Windows systems. It’s sleek and simple, nothing extra but the tools you need to keep your computer in good shape.

Get the all-new CleanMy® PC at 20% off and never worry about a cluttered computer again!