How to Use Gemini’s Preferences and Settings

It’s recommended that you take a look at your settings and preferences before doing a scan with Gemini. Do so by clicking on MacPaw Gemini > Preferences in Gemini’s menu bar. When the window opens, you’ll see three sections you can visit: GeneralExclude List, and Auto Select.

Here’s a look at the General section:

Move duplicates to Trash: With this feature checked, you move all your duplicates to the Trash instead of removing them from your Mac instantly. It’s a nice little safety net for your files, just in case you accidentally remove a duplicate you’d like to keep. If you’d like to remove them instantly and not worry about emptying your Trash afterward, uncheck this box.

Remove empty folders: After removing duplicate files with Gemini, a folder may remain with no files in it. Check this box to have Gemini remove these empty, leftover folders.

Automatically / Manually define minimal file size: By selecting Automatically define minimal file size for better performance, Gemini will only select a certain number of duplicate files. It will select duplicate files from largest to smallest and cut itself off at a number that is intended to prevent overloading you and the app itself. The number of files it will select is quite a lot and typically varies. It might take two, three, or even more scans to find and remove all the duplicate files, including the smallest of the small. But these limits that are defined are precautionary.

However, you can live dangerously by choosing to enable Manually setup minimal file size Gemini should locate, and this will allow Gemini to find all files from a certain size and up. This make take more time than a normal Gemini scanning, however, Gemini will locate all files from whatever size you feel is necessary to scan for.

Automatically check iTunes and iPhoto compatibility: When this setting is enabled (checked), Gemini will verify your iTunes and iPhoto libraries compatibility online, to ensure that your libraries are up to date and work with the Gemini app. This is a good precaution to keep enabled.

About the Exclude List:

Here you can select FoldersFiles, or Extensions you want Gemini to ignore when it scans your Mac. Click on the file type you wish to exclude in the left section of the menu window, and then click the + at the bottom of the window to add your folder, file, or extension to the Exclude List. You can also remove a selection by selecting it in the right menu and then clicking the - button located next to the + button at the bottom of the window. If you ever want to reset your Exclude List preferences, just click the Restore Defaults button, located in the bottom right-hand corner of the window and click Restore in the popup.

About Auto Select:

In Auto Select, you can change your preferences for Always Select and Never Select. In the Always Select section, you pick the folders that are most important to clean out. This list is important for when you have Automatically define minimal file size for better performance enabled in the General section of Preferences. These folders will be the first to be scanned by Gemini. To add a folder to this list, click the + button in the lower left-hand corner of the window. Similarly, you can remove a folder from this list by clicking the - button located next to the + button at the bottom left-hand side of the window.

The Never Select section is for folders you want Gemini to omit from scanning. When a folder is listed here, it will never be touched or scanned by Gemini. To add a folder to this list, click the + button in the lower left-hand corner of the window. Similarly, you can remove a folder from this list by clicking the - button located next to the +button at the bottom left-hand side of the window.

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