Changing Wallpapers

With Wallpaper Wizard 2, you can create a library of pictures and set them to replace one another on your displays with custom frequency and order. Also, you can use a traditional way of refreshing your desktop and choose one particular picture to be your wallpaper.  

Roll pictures and collections

Add pictures to the Roll

Add a collection to the Roll. Open a collection and click Add to Roll (+).
You can add any number of collections from the Explore or Favorites tab.

Add a picture to the Roll. Open a collection, hover over a picture thumbnail and click Add to Roll (+).
If you want to have a closer look at the picture first, click on it. To add the open picture to the Roll, click at the bottom of the window.

Note: If you can’t see any buttons, click on the picture to make buttons show themselves.

If the Roll is empty when you add pictures and collections, Wallpaper Wizard starts changing your desktop background immediately following the order of pictures in the collection.

If the Roll already includes some pictures, newly added ones go to the end of the queue.

Remove pictures from the Roll

Remove a picture from the Roll. Hover over a picture thumbnail and point to the checkmark button. As it changes to the Remove button (x), click it.

Remove a collection from the Roll.

  1. Hover over a picture that belongs to the collection you no longer want to see in the Roll, and then click Open in Collection.
  2. Point to the checkmark button next to the collection title and, as it changes to the Remove button (x), click it.

Set frequency of changing wallpapers

  1. Open the Roll tab and click the gear button.
  2. Drag the slider to customize the frequency of changing a background. 

As you drag the slider, the time left till next wallpaper changes (check the Next Wallpaper button in the upper right corner).

Alternatively, go to Wallpaper Wizard Menu > Change Frequency, and choose the appropriate option from the pop-up list.

Mix up pictures

If you want Wallpaper Wizard to play the selected pictures randomly, open the Roll tab and click the Shuffle button. It will mix up all pictures added to the Roll.

Click the Shuffle button again to restore the previous order.

Set a picture as a wallpaper

If you’ve found an excellent picture for the background and don’t want any others, set it as a permanent desktop wallpaper.

Set a permanent wallpaper. Open a picture and click Set Desktop Picture at the bottom of the window.
Wallpaper Wizard will change your background and stop the Roll. Your queue will remain in the Roll waiting for the moment when you click Play again.

Set a current picture in the Roll as a permanent wallpaper. If you noticed that the Roll is playing a picture you don’t want to be changed for a while, just stop the Roll. Either choose Wallpaper Wizard Menu ➝ Pause Roll or click Pause on the Roll tab.

To make Wallpaper Wizard 2 switch backgrounds again, either choose Wallpaper Wizard Menu ➝ Play Roll or click Play on the Roll tab.

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