Check memory allocation

(Updated: )

Allocation shows how RAM is distributed between macOS, open apps, and available memory. To view the allocation chart, open the Menu and click the Memory monitor—the chart appears at the top of the detailed view. Hover over a segment for two seconds to see a tooltip with brief explanation.

Here's what the allocation types mean:

  • Active—RAM currently in use by open apps and running processes.

  • Wired—RAM required for essential macOS functions.

    This memory can't be compressed or swapped to the startup disk, so it always remains in RAM and isn't available for other apps.

  • Compressed—RAM that has been reclaimed from inactive apps and allocated to active ones for faster performance.

    When you reopen an inactive app, the RAM returns to it, but more slowly than it would from available RAM.

The remaining unallocated segment on the chart shows the available RAM you can use for current and future tasks.

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